Welcome to the Ottawa Italian Women’s Filò
In rural villages of Italy during the long winter months, families and friends used to gather in the warmest place in the house or barn to weave, sew, knit, repair and make tools, and to have a good time. Storytelling and singing formed a large part of the evening. In some parts of Italy, women got together alone for evenings where they had a meal with special delicacies, told jokes, and sang. The tradition of the Filò, and the name, evolved from this concept of the thread that the women used to mend their clothes, as well as the thread of their conversations.
Today, we bring together women of Italian origin in order to celebrate their accomplishments, recognize community service, educate others in the Italian culture, and acknowledge each other as outstanding role models in a spirit of friendship, light heartedness and camaraderie. The thread of the filò tradition ties younger generations to the trailblazing women who came before them.
Think about the women in your life who inspire you. You can nominate them for an award!